Monday, March 22, 2010


现在已经是凌晨四点钟,外面下着雨,相信所有人在这时间都已睡了。但我却走了出来McD上网,奇怪吗?其实一点都不奇怪,因为实在太气人了,要来这里泄愤。凌晨一点多放工,回去收拾房间到两点多接近三点(因为明天将会有人来检查房间),要入睡时,roommate回来了,在那边吵死人,大佬你不要睡我要睡的啊,帮你收拾房间都已很累了加上早上六点多要起身上班,才睡那么三个小时多你都要剥削我的睡觉权力,全部都睡了就请你关灯啦,灯又不关在那边发短讯还要没有turn on silent那种,难道你电话没灯吗?发不到短讯吗?难道花你半分钟去开掉silent会很难吗?简直是没脑的家伙,回到来又抽烟,你要死你的事,我们这些没抽烟的还要赔掉健康,你会不会自私了点,难道就不能到外面抽吗?你全家都是卖鱼的吗?最后就忍不住了起身刷牙出门,你还好意思问我现在几点去哪里,几点上班?我就很气的说你又不要关灯电话又不关声音,干脆不睡。一出门,怎知外面正在下雨。非常没脑子的son of bitch...roar...来到这里就叫了份早餐,咖啡是要加五包fine granulated sugar and 2 pack of creamer,突然令我想起之前在怡保与朋友们在McD整晚没睡觉就待在那边拍video,不晓得你们还记得吗?真的很开心,很怀念,那时的情景我还记得一清二楚呢!但现在却没那种机会了,唉!只好感叹的说岁月不留人。写到这里,我的McD breakfast终于都吃完了,真好吃尤其是hash browns,yummy...haha...XD。等下八点又要开工了,做到晚上八点,十二个小时的工作加上30个小时没睡觉真的是'SIAO',工作时都不知要喝多少杯咖啡进肚子,不然的话我怕我会倒下...一放工我一定要回去睡觉,tidur sampai mati,lol...最近都烦着钱的问题,唉!烦死了。一个是对自己的承诺,一个是对朋友们的承诺,我到底要去Singapore还是Redang呢?如果身上没责任的话就根本不用烦,两个都去,去Singapore是因为去找朋友,答应了,以我的原则当然就要做到,而Redang就是我们去年的承诺,也是要做到。不大想去烦,看到时情况如何再算吧,我姑妈很反对我去水的地方玩,因为很危险。


Aiden Chan said...

thn go SG lo...
no water and all go together...

Redang can later only go also...
depend on which one more important to you...

you miss that time then can come back and go again...

no need to think too much...
no one know what will happened in the future...

should treasure everything right now you have...

good luck ...^^
cheer up and don't simply turn into emo mood...

klosen said...

Go altogether?they wont go one,both also important to me,this is my promises i dun want to break my promise to anyone including myself..sure i'll cheer up what i own and what i have now and wont easily to turn emo..cause i know what i really want,and i found it here.. Thanks..

Aiden Chan said...

then discuss again...
either go redang first thn only go singapore...
or exchange...

then promise will never been broken...
(i am saying you, not them because you know their style... ish...)

hope so...
because i am anti emo kaki now...
will hate you if you always in emo mood... haha... =P

sometimes be emo can think more and get more...
but don't always...

stay happy... ^~^